So, I'm not Really Petite. I'm actually more on the giant-sized proportions. (Well, I'm technically only giant if I'm in 4 inch heels). My cousin Stephanie shared this blog with me last weekend. This little lady (she really is little - I mean XXS/XS - puh-lease eat a cupcake!) shares her finds in fashion. I mean who doesn't want to dress to impress. I do. I really enjoy great clothes - at the right price. So rather than pouring my heart out today - go check out Really Petite.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Trendy Tuesday: Water for Elephants
Water for Elephants is great. I don't mean the movie. Although, I adore REESE Witherspoon.
I just recently finished the book, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. It's an excellent and easy read. My synopsis truly doesn’t do this book justice. I expected it to be boring, and I certainly didn’t expect the book to touch my heart the way it did.
It tells a story via the viewpoint of an 90-something year old man. He illustrates the beautiful tragedy that was the train circus of the 20's and 30's. It is a fictional tale that illustrates true stories. It brought something of the past to life for me. I don't want to give away too many details. But I highly recommend this book.
If you are looking for a summer read- PICK this one. I hope this movie will show at the dollar theaters soon. I know it won't compare to the book but I still want to see my girl its a $1.50 (So, technically I have a buck-fifty movie theater not a dollar theater!)
I just recently finished the book, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. It's an excellent and easy read. My synopsis truly doesn’t do this book justice. I expected it to be boring, and I certainly didn’t expect the book to touch my heart the way it did.
If you are looking for a summer read- PICK this one. I hope this movie will show at the dollar theaters soon. I know it won't compare to the book but I still want to see my girl its a $1.50 (So, technically I have a buck-fifty movie theater not a dollar theater!)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Weekend Update: Baby Showers
See the sweet little brunette above...she having a baby! Melissa was that big sister I never had. She teased me, she fixed my hair, she bossed me around, she basically got the benefits of having a little sister while getting the benefits of being the baby of her family. Many of my childhood memories involve my cousins. We never had a Nintendo or trampoline but luckily our cousins shared! I have been so blessed to have such close cousins. I am even more blessed that I got to see them all and catch up with them this past weekend and also to celebrate the upcoming birth of " Baby Girl" Jenkins!
All grown up (minus Miss Priss in my arms)...but thankfully we all grew up and learned how to fix our own hair! Mothers don't always know best, well when it comes to hairstyles!
And Steph, when I said I liked your bangs - I don't mean circa 1991. ;)
Friday, June 24, 2011
Fat Food Frieday: Red Velvet Cake
Alright - It may by Monday but I am finally getting this posted.
Easy Red Velvet Cake
1 box of German Chocolate cake mix
1 1/4 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 bottle (1 oz) red food color
1 tbsp unsweetened baking cocoa
2 oz cream cheese
2 tsp milk
1 1/2 whipping cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1. Heat oven 350 degrees.
2. In large bowl, beat all cake ingredients with electric mixer on low. Pour into pan(s).
3. Bake as directed on cake mix box. Cool completely.
4. In chilled large bowl, mix cream cheese and milk until smooth. Beat in whipping cream and powedered sugar with electric mixer on high sped, scraping bowl occasionally, until soft peaks form. Frost cake! Store in refrigerator.
Easy Red Velvet Cake
1 box of German Chocolate cake mix
1 1/4 cup water
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 bottle (1 oz) red food color
1 tbsp unsweetened baking cocoa
2 oz cream cheese
2 tsp milk
1 1/2 whipping cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1. Heat oven 350 degrees.
2. In large bowl, beat all cake ingredients with electric mixer on low. Pour into pan(s).
3. Bake as directed on cake mix box. Cool completely.
4. In chilled large bowl, mix cream cheese and milk until smooth. Beat in whipping cream and powedered sugar with electric mixer on high sped, scraping bowl occasionally, until soft peaks form. Frost cake! Store in refrigerator.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thursday Thoughts : A Story Behind the Name
Have you thought.."Why Will Cook for Shoes?"
Even if you haven't, I'm about to answer that question for you.
Last Christmas, my mom found a small little gift and thought it fit my personality and habits just perfect. It's a running joke around my family and friends that I have a bit of a shoe problem. It started when I was young. High heels are my forte. I've never struggled with wearing them. I actually love wearing them..the higher the better. (A motto some reserve to the regards of their hair!) I refuse to count how many pairs I have. I also would like to blame this problem on my mom. She encouraged it. The worst part, I like good know the expensive ones. Thanks, MOM!
I also do my very best to live up to my last I guess you could say I know my way around a kitchen. Which is pretty evident to all the people at work. They are my little guinea pigs...literally pigs. We are all trying to lose weight thanks to this habit of mine!
So when she found an apron that says.."Will Cook for Shoes!" she knew I had to have it.
What she thought was a funny present has turned into something inspirational for me..and that I truly thank you for, Mom.
So, the truth is out. No, I didn't think of such a creative blog name. I wish!
Even if you haven't, I'm about to answer that question for you.
Last Christmas, my mom found a small little gift and thought it fit my personality and habits just perfect. It's a running joke around my family and friends that I have a bit of a shoe problem. It started when I was young. High heels are my forte. I've never struggled with wearing them. I actually love wearing them..the higher the better. (A motto some reserve to the regards of their hair!) I refuse to count how many pairs I have. I also would like to blame this problem on my mom. She encouraged it. The worst part, I like good know the expensive ones. Thanks, MOM!
I also do my very best to live up to my last I guess you could say I know my way around a kitchen. Which is pretty evident to all the people at work. They are my little guinea pigs...literally pigs. We are all trying to lose weight thanks to this habit of mine!
So when she found an apron that says.."Will Cook for Shoes!" she knew I had to have it.
What she thought was a funny present has turned into something inspirational for me..and that I truly thank you for, Mom.
So, the truth is out. No, I didn't think of such a creative blog name. I wish!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Where I've Been Wednesday: Home
I want to start this post with - I am still working on the layout/design of the blog. Obviously, I am not working very hard because its not really getting anywhere. Stay tuned for what I come up with.
When I thought of this "Walk a Week in my Shoes" idea I really saw something different than what I'm going with today.
I planned on being much better at taking pictures of my feet and how these feet and wonderful shoes take my to fascinating places. While I did experience some great places last week- work, the dentist, a Mexican fiesta birthday party for a dear friend, and then home..only one of those place stood out in my mind.
I know I have written about my trips home many times before but those visits are such special moments for me. How do my shoes represent a trip home? I'm not really sure. Although, I see two very important people who see those shoes as they step out of my car and run to meet me with anticipation. I will always cherish those hugs. (Gosh, makes me miss them so much as I write this)
Little Sister loves playing dress-up. She doesn't realize that she looks just like me when I was her age. Although, her tiny feet hardly compare to my giant shoes, she wears them proudly. She doesn't realize there is a 20 year age gap between us. She looks at me like we are the same age. Like I'm her best friend..because that what sisters are! I never knew I wanted a sister until I met her for the first I cannot imagine life without one.
Littlest Brother is growing up so fast that he know could wear my shoes and they'd probably be too small. Wait, he is a boy. He has never worn high heels. (Well, that is the story he is sticking to anyways...until I remind his girlfriend someday when he is 16!!)
Watching them together brings such joy to my heart. I know there will be a time when my visits are less frequent and I cherish each moment with them. We have a different sibling relationship than most brothers and sisters but I cannot imagine anything different. They have blessed our family so much.
I hadn't intended to be so mushy. I apologize. I've been feeling a bit homesick and this is my thoughts on that.
Anywho, I will stop bring a sap and post something more exciting, hopefully.
When I thought of this "Walk a Week in my Shoes" idea I really saw something different than what I'm going with today.
I planned on being much better at taking pictures of my feet and how these feet and wonderful shoes take my to fascinating places. While I did experience some great places last week- work, the dentist, a Mexican fiesta birthday party for a dear friend, and then home..only one of those place stood out in my mind.
I know I have written about my trips home many times before but those visits are such special moments for me. How do my shoes represent a trip home? I'm not really sure. Although, I see two very important people who see those shoes as they step out of my car and run to meet me with anticipation. I will always cherish those hugs. (Gosh, makes me miss them so much as I write this)
Little Sister loves playing dress-up. She doesn't realize that she looks just like me when I was her age. Although, her tiny feet hardly compare to my giant shoes, she wears them proudly. She doesn't realize there is a 20 year age gap between us. She looks at me like we are the same age. Like I'm her best friend..because that what sisters are! I never knew I wanted a sister until I met her for the first I cannot imagine life without one.
Littlest Brother is growing up so fast that he know could wear my shoes and they'd probably be too small. Wait, he is a boy. He has never worn high heels. (Well, that is the story he is sticking to anyways...until I remind his girlfriend someday when he is 16!!)
Watching them together brings such joy to my heart. I know there will be a time when my visits are less frequent and I cherish each moment with them. We have a different sibling relationship than most brothers and sisters but I cannot imagine anything different. They have blessed our family so much.
I hadn't intended to be so mushy. I apologize. I've been feeling a bit homesick and this is my thoughts on that.
Anywho, I will stop bring a sap and post something more exciting, hopefully.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Trendy Tuesday: Pinterest
If you haven't already stumbled upon this wonderful creation - you are probably have been much more productive than me. If you are addicted to blogs and looking at other people's ideas, homes, crafts, clothes, hair, etc, then you are going to LOVE this.
We've all come across a marvelous idea on the old world wide web and thought - I love that idea, I need to remember that for a future date. I even had a folder on my computer saving all these little tidbits...but that is no longer needed my friends. With this revolutionary technology you can "pin" your ideas, your friend's ideas, and even random strangers. It is so fascinating.
If you are like my roommate - you will be consumed by this little website. I'm starting to think Channing is actually getting paid by them to recruit new people to the site. (Not that they are hurting for visitors - I honestly don't think they expected this volume of fans!)
Basically, Pinterest is a collaboration of many people's thoughts. Once you are on there you can see people from all over and their homes, crafts, recipes. We have already sampled a few recipes at my house that were Pinterest-inspired. I have many crafts on my agenda..that you might just be seeing later. I will try to remember to let you know if I found the idea on Pinterest when I post the craft project. Not to mention, I want to re-decorate my entire house because I'm filled with inspiration. Instead of having little files on my computer I can have boards that I can put my ideas and fine new ones. Get to pinning!
So much to do, so little money..or is it time?
If you would like an invite to start pinning..please let me know. I've heard its hard to get on there without an invite. I would love to be an enabler!
We've all come across a marvelous idea on the old world wide web and thought - I love that idea, I need to remember that for a future date. I even had a folder on my computer saving all these little tidbits...but that is no longer needed my friends. With this revolutionary technology you can "pin" your ideas, your friend's ideas, and even random strangers. It is so fascinating.
If you are like my roommate - you will be consumed by this little website. I'm starting to think Channing is actually getting paid by them to recruit new people to the site. (Not that they are hurting for visitors - I honestly don't think they expected this volume of fans!)
Basically, Pinterest is a collaboration of many people's thoughts. Once you are on there you can see people from all over and their homes, crafts, recipes. We have already sampled a few recipes at my house that were Pinterest-inspired. I have many crafts on my agenda..that you might just be seeing later. I will try to remember to let you know if I found the idea on Pinterest when I post the craft project. Not to mention, I want to re-decorate my entire house because I'm filled with inspiration. Instead of having little files on my computer I can have boards that I can put my ideas and fine new ones. Get to pinning!
So much to do, so little money..or is it time?
If you would like an invite to start pinning..please let me know. I've heard its hard to get on there without an invite. I would love to be an enabler!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Weekend Update: 2 Weddings, 2 Weekends

Last weekend, I watched a friend and former roommate marry her best friend. Taylor, Rachel (see her wedding highlights - Life Update) and I had many conversations about weddings. Now both of my former roommates are old married women. We talked about Taylor and Pete numerous times. Taylor and I weren't that close until I needed a roommate and she need a place to live...and fate brought us together. But prior to our housing situation and friendship I had seen Taylor and Pete together and there wasn't a doubt in my mind they weren't for each other. Then through the time Taylor and I lived together I got to watch them get engaged and now married. How fun is that. There wedding could not be more beautiful. It was so them! I wish them the very best.
This past weekend I spend a little time at my parents. I enjoyed seeing a dear friend from high school marry a lovely lady whom he obviously adores. I wish Reese and Madison the best. Although, it reminded me how fast time flies..didn't we just graduate high school?
Another big reason for going home is to celebrate my Dad on Father's Day. For around 7 years now my church has held a Father/Son Look-a-like contest. Here are our two twinkies: Don't they look JUST alike!
Guess who else ended up dressing like twins. I wish I could say this is the first time this has ever happened. I also wish this picture wasn't blurry. Thanks Mom ;)

That's been the first weekend update. Stay Classy, blog world.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Cellular Device Friendly
I was skimming through one of the MANY blogs I follow and found something interesting. Amy(LiveBeautyFull) showed a mobile view of her blog and I thought - I bet mine isn't set right either. So I want to apologize to people out there who have been suffering without this setting. I finally have it fixed. Enjoy!
Please note: I am making some design changes this week too. Please don't judge anything that may appear weird. It's a work in progress!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
it's about to get crazy!
I am going to try run on a little schedule around here. You may think I'm crazy that I'm trying to organize my thoughts but trust me you'll be glad. There will be more posts--which means more things for you to read.
Here is my new blogging schedule:
It will start NEXT Monday and here is what you can look for.
Monday - Weekend Update
Trendy Tuesday - I will write my reviews of movies, make-up, fashion, books, music, politics, religion, hair products, etc. Basically anything I've tried out in the last week-ish.
Where I've been Wednesday - Let's just say you'll walk a mile in my shoes. I don't want to go into too much detail. Some people may think I'm loco and stop following stay tuned.......
Thursday Thoughts - This is my little outlet to do whatever. I mean, that's what a blog is for. So we will just see what happens.
Fat Food Fried Days - I really like alliteration. (except for I couldn't think of anything on Monday-ugh!...I hate that it's an odd ball- so if you have ideas, please share!!)
On these days I will share a recipe. I mean, you get shoes and cooking..PERFECT right??
Alright. I hope you are all anxiously awaiting for next week. I mean, I know you are.....
Here's a picture to end the post..because posts without pictures are a waste of your time.
Oh hail! If you missed this picture on my Facebook - It hailed at our house last night...I have no idea how we didn't have damage with hail this big. ;)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I hear a CHANGE a comin'
I know, I could have just as easily quoted Bob Dylan's "Time's they are a changin'" as my title. But I'm dorky and that is the first thing that popped into my I went with it. {judge me}
Alright - I've mentioned in this crazy mess of a blog before that I'm organized. I like structure. Without structure, I'm a wreck. Example A- my bedroom. But that may not be the lack of structure but it is a wreck. Anyways...Confession time - I'm addicted to blogs. I've wasted so much time just looking at other people's homes, kids and craft projects to the extent I feel like I know the person - I don't but I still may send them a Christmas card because I'm obsessed with, I mean their blogs.
Okay, I got off track. I've seen many people with schedules so their blog is a bit more organized - BAM- best idea for me. I like the idea of a well thought out schedule. Because obviously - this blog is my blank canvas thing doesn't work out for me. I forget about it, I'm intimidated by it, etc. So, I'm going to be making some changes around here....but I'll tell you more about that tomorrow.
And on another note -
I went to a wedding this past weekend.
Don't I have beautiful friends??
Alright - I've mentioned in this crazy mess of a blog before that I'm organized. I like structure. Without structure, I'm a wreck. Example A- my bedroom. But that may not be the lack of structure but it is a wreck. Anyways...Confession time - I'm addicted to blogs. I've wasted so much time just looking at other people's homes, kids and craft projects to the extent I feel like I know the person - I don't but I still may send them a Christmas card because I'm obsessed with, I mean their blogs.
Okay, I got off track. I've seen many people with schedules so their blog is a bit more organized - BAM- best idea for me. I like the idea of a well thought out schedule. Because obviously - this blog is my blank canvas thing doesn't work out for me. I forget about it, I'm intimidated by it, etc. So, I'm going to be making some changes around here....but I'll tell you more about that tomorrow.
And on another note -
I went to a wedding this past weekend.
Don't I have beautiful friends??
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I'll Praise You In This Storm
I wrote this blog a few weeks ago, right after all the storms but wasn't ready to post it until today so anywho -
I realize the title of this post could win in "most un-original" especially in the last few weeks. A few weeks ago, I watched our state suffer something terrible. Sadly, this isn't the first time I've seen this happen and even more sad it is far from the last time I'll see it. What I saw was a tornado rip through people's homes. Living in Oklahoma my entire life, this is no stranger to me. Fortunately enough I have never been personally involved with one of these monsters, but over the years I've seen their devastation.
The only difference was that this time my heart ached. It ached because I saw families lose their earthly possessions. I don't meant televisions and computers but I mean valuables - pictures and stuffed animals. I understand that these are just things but as you see them scattered in trees and ponds - it's heart breaking.
I couldn't sit idle, continuing my life when people just a few miles from me lost everything. I had a hard time picturing my Memorial Day weekend lounging by a pool and enjoying good barbecue when it could have just easily been my house and my life belongings could have been thrown all across my yard. So, Saturday morning I put on my work clothes and headed to Cashion, OK. {I love that Facebook can connect you with people you haven't really been around in years - which is how I re-connected with my former Super Summer mom to help at her church!}
When I first arrived I was sent to get a tetanus shot. I hate that I had to wait in line for that when I work at a pharmacy and could have easily taken care of that Friday. {For those that know me, I like to plan ahead!} I then went into meet the rest of my group to find out exactly what we'd be doing. We were informed we would go to a lower income neighborhood, that once used to be home to my trailer houses. Many of the occupants had little to no insurance. We were supposed to inform them of several updates in information. {Phone lines were down, transportation was hit and miss -most were in borrowed vehicles- and they had little access to reliable information. There was a lot of "hear-say" and many things were misconstrued.} We also were able to offer help in any way they needed it. With the first family it was help with gathering valuables. This lady had lost not only her home but also the family business that sit on the same property, but yet she had outstanding hope. She talked of rebuilding and her husband was already back to work because the family couldn't just stop working. I found that same hope in many of the tornado victims. Some how, many of them stood with smiles on their faces, cherishing the few items they found, and most of all their loved ones.
Other families just needed water, Gatorade, or food. So I spent the rest of the day helping keeping people from getting dehydrated and running errands for them. Overall, it was a very interesting day. I hate to say fun, but I did have fun - not in the funny, laugh, good time, but I loved getting to talk to people and hear there stories and try my best to help them!
An enormous "way to go" goes out to Cashion Baptist Church and my sweet "mom" Michelle. You are living what God called us to be. You are being His hands and feet in your community. I heard so many times on Saturday - that the church had helped tremendously{in ways that you probably don't even realize!} I applaud your call to serve and your quick action in helping your community. I will continue to pray for the hurt and the broken that are left with much confusion and questions. I pray that you will have renewed strength to help with the long road to recovery. I pray that the needs to both victims and volunteers be met, because the task of clean-up is far from over.
Disclaimer: I did no write this post to be "self-praising" or "criticizing" I am just merely sharing and reflecting on what the Lord has placed on my heart.
I realize the title of this post could win in "most un-original" especially in the last few weeks. A few weeks ago, I watched our state suffer something terrible. Sadly, this isn't the first time I've seen this happen and even more sad it is far from the last time I'll see it. What I saw was a tornado rip through people's homes. Living in Oklahoma my entire life, this is no stranger to me. Fortunately enough I have never been personally involved with one of these monsters, but over the years I've seen their devastation.
The only difference was that this time my heart ached. It ached because I saw families lose their earthly possessions. I don't meant televisions and computers but I mean valuables - pictures and stuffed animals. I understand that these are just things but as you see them scattered in trees and ponds - it's heart breaking.
I couldn't sit idle, continuing my life when people just a few miles from me lost everything. I had a hard time picturing my Memorial Day weekend lounging by a pool and enjoying good barbecue when it could have just easily been my house and my life belongings could have been thrown all across my yard. So, Saturday morning I put on my work clothes and headed to Cashion, OK. {I love that Facebook can connect you with people you haven't really been around in years - which is how I re-connected with my former Super Summer mom to help at her church!}
When I first arrived I was sent to get a tetanus shot. I hate that I had to wait in line for that when I work at a pharmacy and could have easily taken care of that Friday. {For those that know me, I like to plan ahead!} I then went into meet the rest of my group to find out exactly what we'd be doing. We were informed we would go to a lower income neighborhood, that once used to be home to my trailer houses. Many of the occupants had little to no insurance. We were supposed to inform them of several updates in information. {Phone lines were down, transportation was hit and miss -most were in borrowed vehicles- and they had little access to reliable information. There was a lot of "hear-say" and many things were misconstrued.} We also were able to offer help in any way they needed it. With the first family it was help with gathering valuables. This lady had lost not only her home but also the family business that sit on the same property, but yet she had outstanding hope. She talked of rebuilding and her husband was already back to work because the family couldn't just stop working. I found that same hope in many of the tornado victims. Some how, many of them stood with smiles on their faces, cherishing the few items they found, and most of all their loved ones.
Other families just needed water, Gatorade, or food. So I spent the rest of the day helping keeping people from getting dehydrated and running errands for them. Overall, it was a very interesting day. I hate to say fun, but I did have fun - not in the funny, laugh, good time, but I loved getting to talk to people and hear there stories and try my best to help them!
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This is my favorite picture from that day- it is poor quality because I took it on my phone. You can see all the items they have found in the foreground and they also found that American flag in all the mess. What a great way to say Happy Memorial Day! |
Disclaimer: I did no write this post to be "self-praising" or "criticizing" I am just merely sharing and reflecting on what the Lord has placed on my heart.
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